Staying Clear-Headed Amidst Change

Feeling anxious or overwhelmed by the changes around you? While change is a natural part of life, our bodies are wired for survival and often interpret it as a threat. This can trigger the fight, flight, or freeze response, clouding our thinking even when the threat isn’t real. The key is learning to listen to your body and respond intentionally when change is uncomfortable but not unsafe.

Since change is constant, now is the perfect time to equip yourself with tools for navigating it with clarity. The 3N Model—Notice, Name, Navigate—helps you become more aware of your emotions and physical sensations. It guides you to notice the subtle cues your body provides, name what you’re feeling, and navigate your response in a way that keeps you clear-headed amidst change.

Recognizing that we have more control over our emotional state than we often realize empowers us to make better choices. The answers we need aren’t just in our minds—they’re in our bodies, too.

There’s no better time than now to develop skills that help you regulate your emotions while maintaining clear, rational thinking.

Schedule a FREE 3N Model Intro session today and discover a simple navigating skill you can use anytime, anywhere to prevent overreacting and stay clear-headed.


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